


朱氏於1993年獲亞洲文化協會 (前身洛克斐勒三世亞洲文化交流計劃基金頒發愛克發基金青年攝影家獎。2004年應德國波恩大學邀請出席 Art & Exhibition Hall of Deutschland 所舉辦的國際藝術研討會為主講者之一。2005年創立攝影組織pH5攝影連動,致力推動香港藝術攝影文化。他亦是香港國際攝影節創辦人之一。2007年獲亞洲攝影大獎及金奬。2015年被提名百達世界環保攝影獎、2017獲平遙國際攝影節頒發最優秀攝影師獎及2018年被提名以色列博物館舉辦的The Shpilman International Prize of Excellence in Photography。1995至2023年間曾任以下院校客席講師,日本東京綜合寫真專門學校、香港城市大學、香港理工大學香港大學專業進修學院及香港藝術學院。

其作品獲俄羅斯莫斯科國立普希金造型藝術博物館、俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司台北文華東方酒店、廣東美術館、深圳華.美術館、香港M+博物館、香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、香港大學美術博物館、奧莎畫廊、利希慎基金會、德意志銀行、香港半島酒店、蘭桂坊酒店、 新世界發展有限公司、國泰航空公司、愛克發吉華 (香港) 有限公司及私人收藏家收藏包括比利時Collection Uhoda和香港林偉而生活收藏。

他的代理畫廊包括比利時的Yoko Uhoda Gallery、俄羅斯Beton Center of Visual Culture和香港的La Galerie Paris 1839。他亦是香港的刺點畫廊和奧沙畫廊的展覽藝術家。 


Chu is a Hong Kong-based photographer and artist who has graduated from the Fine Art Photography Department of the Tokyo College of Photography, Japan. Chu opened a studio in 1993, engaged in art creation and commercial projects including portrait, advertising and architectural photography. 

Chu has exhibited his work in Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, USA, Canada, Russia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and New Zealand. In addition, his work has been featured in numerous international publications.  

In 1993, Chu was awarded the Agfa Fellowship Young Photographer Award by Asian Culture Council (previously the John D. Rockefeller III Fund Asian Cultural Program). In 2004, he was invited to be one of the prominent speakers of the Internationally Literary and Aesthetic Symposium organized by Bonn University and the Art & Exhibition Hall of Deutschland, Germany. In 2005, he founded the art photography organization pH5 Photo Group, which focuses on promoting art photography in Hong Kong. He is also the founder of Hong Kong International Photo Festival. In 2007, he won the Asia Photo Awards’ the Grand and the Gold Award. In 2015, he was nominated for the Prix Pictet in France. In 2017, won the Excellent Photographer Award from Pingyao International Photo Festival in China and in 2018, he was nominated for The Shpilman International Prize of Excellence in Photography held by the Israel Museum. From 1995 to 2023, he served as a guest lecturer at the following colleges and universities, Tokyo College of Photography, Japan; City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKU Space and Hong Kong Art School. 

Chu’s works have been collected by The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Russia; Gazprom PAO, Russia; Guangdong Museum of Art and OCT Art & Design Gallery, Shenzhen, China; Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Taiwan; M+ Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong, Osage Gallery, Lee Hysan Foundation, Deutsche Bank Collections, Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong, Hotel LKF, New World Development Co Ltd., Agfa-Gavert (HK) Ltd, and Cathay Pacific Airways, Hong Kong; and other private collectors including Collection Uhoda in Belgium and William Lim Living Collection in Hong Kong.  

He is represented by Yoko Uhoda Gallery in Belgium, Beton Center of Visual Culture in Russia and La Galerie Paris 1839 in Hong Kong. He is also an exhibition artist of Blindspot Gallery and Osage Gallery in Hong Kong.