In 2007, I was invited by the publisher Dorling Kindersley London to be one of the photographers for the new book “Nude Photography: The Art & The Craft”. Since I was the only Chinese photographer upon the ten who were chosen by the publisher, I therefore decided to shoot a series of photographs that contains rich Chinese elements. Inspired by the classic Chinese novel The Bride with White Hair, I first brought nude photography into a storyline. In “The Bride with White Hair”the model expressed the sadness of love through her body movements; her long white hair showed how she was suffered seriously from the pain and tension of love. I specifically used the classic 8×10 camera and Polaroid films for the shooting, as I believe the texture and nostalgic colour that projected on the photos can fully show the beauty of sadness.

2007年我為英國出版商Dorling Kindersley London出版的新書 “Nude Photography: The Art & The Craft” 拍攝了一系列以赤裸胴體為主題的照片。由於我是十位被邀請的攝影師中唯一一位中國人,故在拍攝時加入了濃厚的「中國元素」,以《白髮魔女傳》為引子,帶出我首個富有故事色彩的裸體作品系列。 「白髮魔女」以白髮模特兒的身體形態表達出愛情中痛苦的張力。為更具體表現出悲痛欲絕的心情,我特別選用古典的8×10相機和寶麗萊菲林拍攝,以陳舊的色調來表達「白髮魔女」的斷腸之美。