I visited the seriously damaged districts including Wenchuan County, Yingxiu Town, and Dujiangyan City next to Chengdu in 2009, the year after the Great Wenchuan Earthquake. It has been a year since the disaster, yet there are still crumbling walls and dilapidated houses! The after-shock scene of the disaster is still kept. You can still see the remains and collapsed houses, debris were not removed and broken houses were left unrepaired… Every house yet to collapse are standing at the end of the street blankly like giant gravestones.

It gives you strong feeling being in the disaster area, after all this is the first time for me witnessing a scene like this! I have been staying in the area for a few days, taking tons of photos like mad everyday in a hope to make records of the situation. It was my fortune that I could still take these pictures one year after the event.

These was once a couple of middle ages came to me while I was taking photos inside the city of Dujiangyan, “ Are you a journalist from Hong Kong? Please take more pictures, and tell the others that our government did nothing a year after the disaster, we have been living in this city like in ruins for a year and nothing was changed, we don’t even know when the reconstruction will start!”

I went back to Chengdu again in 2010, but I saw nothing but the celebration of the good times, people there seems to have forgotten everything about the earthquake. This is a bit unusual in the view of a stranger.

汶川大地震後翌年的2009年,我到訪了重災區的汶川市、映秀鎮及隣近成都的都江堰市。災難過去了一年,所到之處仍然是頹門敗瓦,滿目瘡痍!仍保存著受災後不久的模樣。很多地方仍然是廢墟、倒塌的樓宇,瓦礫沒人清理,破屋沒人修補… 每座尚未倒塌的樓房,就在市內街頭巷尾空洞地矗立著,像是一座座的巨型墓碑!


